So, what's the harm? This virus discovers the names of all the text columns in all your tables in all your database(s) to which the website has access, then it appends a string like <script src=""></script> to all values in that column. Your website may well return some of these text fields back to the client as HTML to be displayed, and that's when the problem starts for the client. The client's browser interprets this HTML coming from your site as a legitimate request to fetch a mash-up script from DoubleClick (or whatever), and that script then tries to turn the client's PC into a zombie that obeys the bidding of the Russian Mafia (or whoever controls the virus). Will the client blame you? For sure they will, because you are supposed to ensure your server is virus-free, right! Well, with this kind of attack, your server is not itself running any virus code, and therefore no anti-virus program running on your server will pick up this 'infection' in the data. Tricky one.
So here is a little SQL script to create a procedure that will remove such a string from every text field in every table of the current database. This script employs much the same tricks to discover all the text fields, as I'm sure the virus must be employing..
1: Alter procedure RemoveSqlInjections
2: (
3: @remove nVarChar(4000) = '<script src=></script>'
4: )
5: as
7: /*
9: Inject one test...
10: -------------------
12: Update users
13: set messageText = messageText + @remove
14: where userid =
15: (
16: Select top 1 userId
17: from users
18: where messageText is not null
19: )
21: -------------------
22: */
24: Declare @sql nVarChar(max),
25: @table nVarChar(64),
26: @column nVarChar(64),
27: @value nVarChar(128),
28: @count int
30: Set noCount on
32: Declare injectionRemover cursor for
33: Select [table],
34: [column],
35: case when [convert] is not null
36: then 'convert(' + [convert] + ', ' + [column] + ')'
37: else [column]
38: end as [value]
39: from
40: (
41: Select '[' + + ']' as 'table',
42: '[' + + ']' as 'column',
43: case
44: when b.xType in (98,99) then 'nVarChar(4000)'
45: when b.xType = 35 then 'varChar(8000)'
46: end as 'convert'
47: from sysobjects a
48: inner join syscolumns b
49: on =
50: where a.xtype='U'
51: and b.xtype in (1,6,7,35,98,99,167,175,231,239)
52: ) c
53: order by 1
55: Open injectionRemover
57: While 1=1 begin
58: Fetch next from injectionRemover into @table, @column, @value
59: If @@fetch_status <> 0 break
61: Set @sql = 'Update ' + @table +
62: ' set ' + @column +
63: ' = replace(' + @value + ', ''' + @remove + ''', '''') where ' +
64: @value + ' like ''%<script%'''
66: Exec(@sql)
67: Set @count = @@rowCount
68: If @count > 0 begin
69: Set @sql = 'Replaced ' + convert(nVarChar(10), @count) + ' occurence(s) in ' + @table + '.' + @column
70: Print @sql
71: end
72: end
74: Close injectionRemover
75: Deallocate injectionRemover
After creating the procedure just run it. With no parameters it will remove the the same nasty that infected my server, but you can supply a single parameter like so:
Exec RemoveSqlInjections '<script src="some other nasty thing"></script>'It is not case sensitive (by default, but if your server's collation is binary or some other case-sensitive variant, then watch out for case variations).
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